Is it always the fault of the... bad salesman or do we like to "tell stories"?
It is with regret that I have noticed in the last few years of being in the armored door business a complete ignorance of the buying public towards the subject. No matter how much effort is made to open people's eyes so that they can make the right choice, it raises a wall of negativity believing that telling the truth involves [...]
When the most notorious burglar in the United States gives safety tips, they take on a whole new meaning.
Security, tons of ink has been spilled and countless keys have been pressed on this issue. What is safety after all and how can it be achieved? By installing security doors and alarm systems? By taking some actions on the part of the owner? Or is it ultimately a combination of both? The answer comes to [...]
They broke into my house... and now what do I do?
In today's article we will deal with a topic, unpleasant but possible, and it is none other than the burglary of a house and what it entails. How should we react after the first shock and what should we do in the second? Unfortunately, the political and economic conditions we are experiencing have led to an upsurge [...]
Does our online life harm the safety of our... real life?
Reposted from Flipside's blog - Social Media Marketing I'll ask you straight out! Do you feel safe online? If you answered yes, think again... Unfortunately in the modern age it is much easier than we think to have our personal information of any kind intercepted, which could be used by anyone to harm us. Don't forget [...]